Saturday, September 16, 2006

Dave's Yes/No Movie Review: Black Dahlia



wcdixon said...


Dave said...

I know.

I can't tell you how disappointed I was. I didn't lower my expectations enough. I actually thought that this was going to be Depalma's big comeback. I'm a huge fan of some of his stuff: Blow Out, Carrie, Dressed to Kill, Untouchables, even Body Double. I love James Ellroy, loved LA Confidential...

I'm curious what Josh Friedman's script was, because you could see a lot of the scenes being twisted and pulled to fit something... something that I couldn't see frankly.

If The Departed sucks, that's it. I'm done with movies for a while. Seriously. It's really feeling like all the exciting writing, the stuff I want to see is on television now.